Skiguide for children

Film - children

Skiguide for children

Ski Tips For Kids

A ski helmet is an absolute must have !

* Make sure the helmet fits correctly.

* Dress in layers.

* For example, dress your kids in polypropylene underware (top and bottoms) which feels good next to the skin, dries quickly, absorbs sweat and keeps you warm.

* Be sure they wear sun protection, even on cloudy days.

* Always wear eye protection. Kids should have sunglasses and goggles with them.

* When buying skiwear, look for fabric that is water and wind-resistant.

* Be sure your child has the name and phone number of your hotel written down on a piece of paper and it's in a secure pocket.

* Make sure your child knows when to stop skiing. For example if the clothing layer next to their skin stays wet and they're chilled, if they're injured, have a problem with equipment or even if they're simply worn out.

Teach them that it's alright to stop before the end of the day and breaks are fun.